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Date : 20/12/22

Éditeur : LINUX


Vulnérabilités : Multiples

Risques : Atteinte à la confidentialité et à l’intégrité des données, déni de service à distance, exécution de code arbitraire à distance, élévation de privilèges, contournement de la politique de sécurité, 

Produits et Versions impactés
Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder

ARM 64 - Extended Update Support 9.0 aarch64

IBM z Systems - Extended Update Support 9.0 s390x

 Power, little endian - Extended Update Support 9.0 ppc64le

x86_64 - Extended Update Support 9.0 x86_64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server

AUS 8.2 x86_64

TUS 8.2 x86_64

ARM 64 - 4 years of updates 9.0 aarch64

IBM z Systems - 4 years of updates 9.0 s390x

Power LE - Update Services pour SAP Solutions 8.2 ppc64le

Power LE - Update Services pour SAP Solutions 9.0 ppc64le

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

ARM 64 - Extended Update Support 9.0 aarch64

IBM z Systems - Extended Update Support 9.0 s390x

Power, little endian - Extended Update Support 9.0 ppc64le

Real Time - Telecommunications Update Service 8.2 x86_64

Real Time for NFV - Telecommunications Update Service 8.2 x86_64

Real Time for NFV for x86_64 - 9.0 x86_64

Real Time for x86_64 - 9.0 x86_64

x86_64 - Extended Update Support 9.0 x86_64

x86_64 - Update Services for SAP Solutions 8.2 x86_64

x86_64 - Update Services for SAP Solutions 9.0 x86_64

SUSE Enterprise
Storage 7.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise

 High Performance Computing 15

 High Performance Computing 15-SP1

 High Performance Computing 15-SP2

 High Performance Computing 15-SP3

 High Performance Computing 15-SP4

Live Patching 12-SP4

Live Patching 12-SP5

Micro 5.1

Module for Live Patching 15

Module for Live Patching 15-SP1

Module for Live Patching 15-SP2

Module for Live Patching 15-SP3

Module for Live Patching 15-SP4

Module for Public Cloud 15-SP3

Module for Public Cloud 15-SP4

Server 12-SP5

Server 15

Server 15-SP1

Server 15-SP2

Server 15-SP3

Server 15-SP4

Server for SAP Applications 15

Server for SAP Applications 15-SP1

Server for SAP Applications 15-SP2

Server for SAP Applications 15-SP3

Server for SAP Applications 15-SP4



SUSE Manager

Proxy 4.2

Proxy 4.3

Retail Branch Server 4.2

Retail Branch Server 4.3

Server 4.2

Server 4.3


openSUSE Leap



Noyau Linux
3.19 à 4.14 non incluse

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